Wednesday 26 October 2011

Well I have decided that a rather good unspoken about topic for possibly alot of women out there would be "How to be a dairy farmers wife?" Not just a dairy farmer but any farmer, I only have experience for a dairy farmer. Of course its hard enough to be a wife let alone be one for a farmer As I have been going through some rather tough times in the last three years, I can tell you it feels like I have put 20 years of marriage into the last 6 months! It has however ever been worth it, but I can understand why it is that farmers tend to have up to 3 wives in their life time. And the last one that makes it to the "ever after stage"- end up not getting married- seems to have similar traits to the old boys mother and works harder than ever to keep her position. But I am young and I have only been here 3 years so I could be wrong! Just my first impressions, It must get better over time with a little hard work, As I am Just a like a baby here learning to talk for the first time! I know what needs to be said but I say it at the wrong time Makes sense?

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